Meet the MFSB Board of Directors

Kirra Brandon, President/Legislative Director:  Kirra has been a member of the MFSB Board of Directors for the past six years.  She has a BA in Biology from Harvard University, and received her MD from University of Maryland Medical School.  Kirra practices pediatric dermatology in Easton, MD.  She has five daughters.  Her oldest child was born via c-section, and her younger four daughters were born at home with the assistance of CPMs.  Kirra wants to see Maryland become a state in which all families have maternity care options, and are supported in making their own decisions about their care.

Evelyn Fielding, Secretary/Outreach Director:  As Outreach Director, Evie is continuing the amazing work of Celia Garcia Perez and the Outreach Team in building Coalition MFSB! She has actively supported MFSB since 2012 and strongly believes in promoting education about childbirth options and informed choice.  Her vision is to improve access to midwifery care for families of all backgrounds and to bridge the gaps between out-of-hospital maternity care and the medical system.  The individualized, unhurried and relationship-focused care she received from midwives was transformative.  She is a mother and a clinical psychologist in private practice.

Ashley Baxter holds a BS in Biology from Salisbury University and currently works in Food Protection at the Howard County Health Department. She has one son who was born by unplanned cesarean. After a traumatic birth experience, the journey to educate herself on options for future births sparked a passion for informed consent, birth choices, and advocating for improving maternal health care. Ashley has been volunteering with Maryland Families for Safe Birth since 2020 and joined the Board of Directors in 2023. Her hope is to empower other women in knowing their rights and options, along with improving maternal health care, bridging the gap between community-based midwifery and the medical system, and expanding access to midwifery care.

Jennifer Chaffee has been supporting MFSB since 2012 and has been a member of the MFSB Board of Directors since Fall of 2018.  She has a BS and MS in Applied Mathematics and works as a mathematician at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, MD.  Dissatisfied with her limited birth options in 2009, Jennifer worked with a CPM who guided her through a successful homebirth of twin girls.  Her positive birth experience inspired her to become an advocate for improved understanding of and expanded access to maternity care options.

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Maryland Families
for Safe Birth, Inc.
PO Box 1494
Ellicott City, MD 20141

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