“FOR the purpose of recognizing certain benefits conferred on women who give birth and their babies by lowering the rate of surgical births; encouraging providers of maternity care to support and promote nonoperative vaginal births by providing to individuals certain resources and information; urging certain State agencies to share certain information with parents for a certain purpose and encourage and support certain choices with certain practices; and generally relating to the health of women and children and decreasing surgical births.”
Thank you to all who made calls, emails, and submitted testimony in support of House Joint Resolution 10: Decreasing Surgical Births! The importance of this issue is being heard, and the March 5 hearing on our resolution was a big first step in the process. Although the resolution did not make it out of committee this time, our lobbyist has continued to bring this before the House for ongoing exposure and education. We will keep moving forward in advocating for these changes.
Read the full text of House Joint Resolution 10 HERE.