Maryland Families for Safe Birth is currently working on several exciting legislative actions for the 2018 session. Our primary focus for this session will be a maternity care data transparency bill with the goal of requiring that institutional data (such as cesarean rates, VBAC rates, induction rates, epidural rates, number of vaginal breech and vaginal multiple births, etc.) must be made available to the general public in an easy to access format. Knowledge is power, and we believe that access to this type of information is a critical part of helping Maryland families make informed decisions about their labor and delivery care. We have been working closely with our lobbyist to move this bill forward for the upcoming session. We are also in the process of pushing for regulatory changes which would modify the rules governing the operation of birth centers. We hope that these changes will lessen the barriers for birth centers in Maryland, and encourage more centers to open their doors in the future.
Send donations to:
Maryland Families
for Safe Birth, Inc.
PO Box 1494
Ellicott City, MD 20141